Quotes,random shit I want to say&just shit!!!

There are just some things I just want to rants about or give my opion.I think we should be free to share our opions and such and that is what I am going to do here. Also here I am going to put quotes by me, my friends, random people in my life and quotes by bands. so enjoy.
Gothic Angel


"Loving you is like loving the dead"-Type o Negative
"Take care of yourself, don't worry about me. You've already fallen. I am still falling."-Russell
"I see said the blind man"-Phill
"It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But, it takes a lifetime to forget someone. "-No clue

" Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. "-No clue

"Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives."-No clue

" Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. "-No clue

"I am tired of cring, I have cried myself dry. why can't I just die?"-me

"Nothing worth having was ever gained without pain, risk, and sacrifice. This is what prepares us for having it. It teaches us the true value of what we obtain, to have it and protect it forever. Without this, nothing would have true worth. When you finally get what you've been seeking all this time, never let it go."-Kris

"Worse shit, different day."-Krista

"Cuz its always raining in my head"-Staind

"Headache? Cold misery? Why wait for old-fashioned cold relief? Go kill yourself!" -MAD Magazine

"Never take away someone's hope, it may be all they have"- I have no clue

"Love and Happiness are just a fake illusion that we make not knowing that we do. When the loves leaves us for whatever reason, so does the happiness and our true state of being surfaces. Depression."-me

"I kill myself to stay alive"-Union Underground
"This was never my world, you took my angel away. I kill myself to make everybody pay"-Marilyn Manson

"I look at you and I see myself"-Dustin

"I'm everyone's scape goat, they all gota blame it on me"-Dustin

"Don't kill yourself! Don't let the world beat you! Beat the world! Tell the world FUCK YOU!"-Kris

"Dude, you're not the problem in the relashionships, you just date asshole guys!"-Krista

"Home is not where you live, Home is where you feel that you loved, and are safe."-Jeramie

Shit I want to rant about

What I have learned is that love will fuck you over, After all is said and done you are left feeling alone, depressed and totaly lost.But after a while you find yourself longing for that feeling that you feel inside when you have someone. The feeling of being held, kissed, told your loved.You crave it like drug. Love will screw you over but you can't seem to live without it.When you finaly have love that won't screw you over. You have to work so hard, you must fight for it, and sometimes even die for it.So is love worth it?I don't know myslef,I'm too numb to feel love any more.

OKay what is with Guys thinking that us girls are like toys are something. They play with us, but when we aren't fun to play with anymore, they just throw us away. What the hell!!!??? What have we done to deserve that. Yes there are many girls out there that have done something in the relashionship to deserve it, but what about the ones that were loyal, loving and all that great shit. Hua? Now don't jump my shit just yet guys, there are a few good guys. The ones that poor their heart out to the girl and they put everything they got into the relashionship. I wish there were more of you out there. But sadly you are all just taken or I am not lucky enough to find one of you. All I have seem to found was assholes.(with two exceptons. You guys know who you are.:) I love you guys!) I just wish Love would go my way I guess I am tryen to say. Thats all.

OKay what is with half of our school looking like everyone else! OKay I know this something that goes on all over the country, but it really bugs me. OKay people, don't you have some kind of indepence from everyone else? Don't you want to be uniqe, yourself? or do you like looking like "Prom Queen" dumb ass? Or do you like following Mrs."Cheerleader"? PLEASE!!!!! Get your own fashion, ideas, personality, goals, likes, dislikes, music, ect.! Trust me, its not that hard being your self. To do what you want, and not follow. Please be yourself. You can think with your own brain or I would think. Or I would hope, you just don't know how. You are worried about fitting in with the "cool" people in school that everyone wants to be friends with and everyone wants to date. You spend 2 hours on you make-up and hair alone in the morning hoping the guy that you think is "just so hott!", in you computer will ask to barrow your pencile. You think this is life and its great. THATS NOT LIFE!!!! You are just in a nice safe classroom for 4 years. Then they kick you out and say good luck. All that popular shit and he said she said bulshit doesn't matter!!!!! Because in the real world you will need to have some kind of schooling, and I am not talking about jusy high school. The people that eaither drop out of high school or don't do anything after high school don't make the best living.(yes I know there are the few excpetions. Like Bill Gates, But lets get back to the point) You have to go to some kind of upper learning, may it be collage, some kind of job that trains you for the job, or something similar. Those kind of schools are different than high school. No one cares that you hung out with the "cool" people in high school. These people just want to get through the rest of their classes, get their degrees and get on with their lifes! After collage or whatever kind of schooling you choose, your main concern is to get a good job, make enough money to keep a roof over your head, have food to eat, and have clothes on your back. High school is bulshit in my opion. All you "cool" people out there get a fucking life and get ready for a rude awaking!